Principal's Message

A Word from Our Principal
At last! Our school official blog, NH*JIPS is taking a step forward, utilising technology to enhance communication, and what better way than through a blog.  It functions anyplace, anywhere, anytime.

Blogging allows us to reach out to a wider audience where even distance does not pose a barrier. We will post images and write ups of major events that has taken place in the school, as an add on to the chain of information flow we have so far installed. This new platform is for all to express freely their own opinion in appropriate ways and in doing so, engage in personal reflection.  It is a good opportunity especially for our students to share and be internet articulate, learn how to criticize respectfully and to praise with sincerity. Also the expressing of ideas on a non 'face to face interaction' presents a non-threatening environment.  In the internet world of a multitude of interactive platforms, I hope that in time we will develop a uniqueness to call our own.

Moving another step forward into the 21st Century.

Respectfully yours,

Colin Pereira
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